Join us on our journey halfway around the world as we spend the next 5 months living in Singapore.

Friday, August 1, 2014

First impressions

Hi!!  We've been here about two weeks now.  Things are going well and we are really enjoying getting to know our new surroundings.  So I thought I would share some of my first impressions of Singapore.  Here goes:
  • Hot and humid!  We were expecting this one, but coming from super dry CO, it is definitely going to take some getting used to.
    Two hot and sweaty kiddos. And one really grumpy kiddo.
  • Old and new side by side.  I love the mix of old and new that we have been seeing as we make our way around.  We are starting to learn a lot about Singapore's past, present, and future.  (Often through one of the many taxi drivers that are proud to share their knowledge about all things Singapore.)
  • The shopping is over the top.  I have never seen so many high end stores in one place, not to mention the very luxe malls that they are housed in.  (Annie/Mom-You'll have to make sure that you share these pictures with Elisa!)
Check out the Louis Vuitton store in its own special building at the bottom!!
And of course the super cool building in the background - Marina Bay Sands.
Prada, Ferragamo, Gucci, Louis Vuitton...everywhere you look in some areas!
So many stores!

  •  Humidity!  Did I mention it is really, really humid?  Looks like we over packed on the lotion.  On the plus side, my skin is looking a little less wrinkly.
Finding that many times the first picture we take is a little "foggy" from moisture on the lens.

  • You can find nice restrooms everywhere you go.  So far we have not had any trouble finding a nice restroom while we are out and about.  For those of you that know me well, this is a big deal.  Also hugely helpful with a somewhat recently potty trained kiddo.

  • Things cost more here.  More specifically, beer and wine are really expensive.  Which means one of two things, either we are cutting back or the kids are going to need to get jobs.
  • For Hire:  One adorable (only occasionally grumpy) toddler and one able bodied (only occasionally moody) teenager
  • That's right...Barefoot for almost $28 SGD/bottle!!
    (With the $ conversion that is about $22 USD.)

    • much food, so much variety, so many options, so much to say that it will need to be it's own blog subject.

    • And let's see...oh yeah, it's pretty humid here.  But the climate is also what makes it like a city in a garden, very lush and green.

    (Oh and just I couldn't resist using a few bullet points for this post.  As they say, old habits...)

    1 comment:

    1. I am not sure if the first comments went through. I loved reading the blog. Crazy how expensive the wine is. Post more about food, restaurants… daily live.. ect..
      If you can post more pictures of the condo and surrounding area.. interested to what it looks like around there.
