Join us on our journey halfway around the world as we spend the next 5 months living in Singapore.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Settling in...

Well we made it to Singapore!  Our 20+ hours of travel were uneventful, thank goodness.  The boys were such great travelers.  Alex got some good naps in, and Tyler watched about 6 movies.   Having business/first seats was definitely key!  I, of course, packed about a weeks worth of snacks and stuff to keep Alex busy, and, of course, we barely made a dent.  Better over prepared than under prepared!  (My motto?)

Hanging out in the closet.
We have been here just over a week and are settling in nicely.  The jet lag/time adjustment took about a week.  Tyler and I seemed to adjust the quickest.  Alex had a bit of trouble sleeping through the night for a bit, waking up between 2am and 4am a few nights.  But not too worry, his daddy was up too to keep him company!  Greg, being the early bird that he is, has been falling asleep pretty early and is up at what seems like the middle of the night.  One thing that has been a bit of and adjustment is the fact that the sun doesn't rise until about 7am and is down by about 7pm.  (Something that I know I will appreciate come the fall and what would be our daylight savings time.)

Selfie (or groupie as Tyler would call it)
The condo is great and much more spacious than I had imagined.  We are on the first floor, and have quick easy access to the outside and to the pool, where we have been spending most of our afternoons so far.  Initially I wasn't too sure how I would feel about the option for daily housekeeping services...that seems to have resolved itself pretty quickly!

Pool time!  (Pool at our condo)
Well that's it for a start to our blog...much more to come!!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures!
