Join us on our journey halfway around the world as we spend the next 5 months living in Singapore.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Goin to the zoo zoo zoo

Were goin' to the zoo, zoo, zoo
How about you, you, you?
You can come too, too, too
Were goin' to the zoo, zoo, zoo

Look at all the monkeys swingin' in the trees...

(Raffi - Going to the zoo)

Nope, Alex is not singing the zoo song, but he is saying "cheese" for the picture.  

So within the first 10 minutes of the start of our visit to the Singapore Zoo, we crossed paths with this guy and realized that this may not be your ordinary zoo.

He was in no hurry for us to pass, so while we were waiting patiently, we heard what sounded like a whole gang of monkeys up ahead.  Turns out it was really just this one gibbon was having a "chat" with its neighbor one tree over.  What a loud mouth!

One of the most striking things about the Singapore Zoo is how close you are able to get to the animals.  The barriers are there, but they are well disguised and seem closer and not quite as imposing as the barriers at zoos that we have been to in the states.

At this point, Alex is not too sure about up close and personal at the zoo.  It's still early...

We have learned that the best time (aka least crowded time) to go places in Singapore is when they open.  And being early birds has its advantage.  We got to see the Orang Utans (that's how they spell it here) get let out for the day.  This was definitely a highlight of the day.  They are "free ranging" which means they can actually climb around all over the area, including directly over your head!

This guy was the oldest and by far the biggest one.  His hair was SO long and pretty!

Hey, who let this monkey in here?

Photo bomb!!
The chimpanzees were also super fun to watch.  They were really active and quite vocal.

Climbing and swinging practice.
Just one more piggy back ride...pretty please??

More up close and personal with the animals.
Just hangin' around with some bats.

The bats, called flying foxes, were literally right over your head! of four.

Open wide!!!

Some other cool cats and furry friends...

Some rise, some fall, some climb, to get to terrapin...

And this little friend was just up in one of the trees as we were walking around.

And of course no day at the zoo is complete without elephants and ice cream!! 

We had such an awesome day, we are all still talking about it several days later.  We will definitely be back for more visits to the zoo here in Singapore.

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